
Month: October 2022

  1. Blogging
  2. Community
  3. Conferences and Events
  4. Culture
  5. Emerging Media
  6. Food and Drink
  7. Health and Science
  8. In the Press
  9. Media
  10. Mobile
  11. Newsletter
  12. Personal
  13. Public Relations
  14. Social Action
  15. Social Media
  16. Travel
  This week, I celebrated my birthday (yay), participated in a 60-person offsite with my colleagues, hosted a webinar, hosted a community virtual event, celebrated a relationship anniversary, and somehow got a few other things done. Writing a whole bespoke newsletter wasn’t in the cards. But I would like to post a couple of updates. […]
  1. Blogging
  2. Books
  3. Conferences and Events
  4. Culture
  5. In the Press
  6. Marketing
  7. Media
  8. Mobile
  9. Newsletter
  10. Personal
  11. Public Relations
  12. Research
  13. Social Action
  I can’t believe I’m saying this, but the topic we weren’t talking about enough this week at Advertising Week was Ye. I’m throwing up in my mouth. But it’s true. As much as I’d rather talk about a thing else — cookie deprecation, creative optimization, Terry Kawaja’s Streamopoly board — I wish more of us (myself […]
  1. Blogging
  2. Books
  3. Campaigns
  4. Columns
  5. Community
  6. Conferences and Events
  7. Culture
  8. Customer Service
  9. Health and Science
  10. Marketing
  11. Mobile
  12. Newsletter
  13. Personal
  14. Public Relations
  15. Research
  16. Social Action
  17. Social Media
  Allow me to atone as last week’s holiday and some other obligations delayed this missive’s publication. It’s still a piece I wanted to share. Writing this as I wrapped the Day of Atonement holiday, known in Hebrew as Yom Kippur, I expected to use the column as an excuse to revisit the marketing sins […]
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