
Month: November 2022

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  It might have been a couple of thousand years since you last visited the Olympus Ad Agency. Let’s take a tour. Hephaestus runs the IT department. He doesn’t spend a lot of time up on Olympus. He likes that he doesn’t have to see the staff as much with everyone all remote. It suits […]
  1. Blogging
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  Last week, my daughter temporarily lost the use of one of her arms, and Twitter found many of its advertisers temporarily pausing campaigns there. Conceptually, they’re related to a broader theme, one that  I explored in a 2020 column, “In a World without Facebook.”  The theme is how to adapt to constraints. The biggest […]
  1. Advertising
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  22. Search Engine Marketing
  23. Shopping and Retail
  24. Social Action
  25. Social Media
  26. Technology
  27. Tools and Tips
  28. Trends
  As I first wrote this, I was returning from a dinner event celebrating the anniversary of a friend’s PR firm. Then, I went on Twitter and saw news story after news story about changes that will affect people’s lives. Those changes are unfolding as I write this now. Twitter sometimes seems like it’s all about […]
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