
Author: David Berkowitz

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  What’s your best marketing advice? That’s what I asked you in a previous edition of Serial Marketer Weekly, and dozens of you took the time to respond. It doesn’t hurt that there was an added incentive, with a $CMO reward that delivered the first such bounty of its kind. Follow that page to learn about new bounties. […]
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  This week, I’d like to address a serious subject. It might not be one you’d expect to see covered here, but it’s important to review nonetheless. Given the United States of America’s ignominious defeat in Afghanistan, following two decades of foreign policy fiascos, we have to think about the consequences. I don’t mean consequences […]
  1. Arts and Entertainment
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  Kids, this week’s edition teaches you an important lesson: don’t watch the Marvel Cinematic Universe while you’re taking personality assessments. Or maybe you should. Do you ever find that instead of bringing who you are into a role, a role can shape you? That’s something I’ve been thinking about ever since my friend Eric Sullivan at […]
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