  1. Conferences and Events

Avner Ronen, CEO, Boxee at Brite 09

Image representing Boxee as depicted in CrunchBaseImage via CrunchBase

This post comes live from the BRITE conference on Branding, Innovation, and Technology at Columbia University in New York City.

Boxee: Home media center aggregating digital content. 300,000 users.

Q: How did it come out, and who&;s funding it?

AR: As consumers we were frustrated with the experience. Started it in early 2007. A lot of companies playing in the space had existing interests to protect, so they wanted to put the user first. Raised Series A $4 million from Union Sq Ventures, Spark Capital.

Q: I see you&39;re using clip from CNN.com. Are you cutting out pre-roll?

AR: We never cut out anything from video. We take the player as is. The monetization remains the same. For them, it&39;s another view. We don&39;t make any money on it right now. The content owners make the money.

Q: Can you show data on the business model for Boxee?

AR: Boxee doesn&39;t generate any revenue right now. Goal: reach 1 million users by end of year, improve product. Can support ad model, transaction model, subscription model. Will seek rev share from content partners.

Q: When do you see a pullback for social media overkill (referring to oversharing on Twitter)?

AR: I think Twitter and Facebook are what you make of them — or what your friends make of them.

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Comments to: Avner Ronen, CEO, Boxee at Brite 09

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