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  Brought to you by: Ramp (“spending made smarter”)—————————————————- I published a book under my name on Amazon this week. I haven’t read it, but it looks pretty good. I did spend a whole hour working on it. AI did almost everything itself, including writing every word of the book’s 150 pages. It just doesn’t come with that […]
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  As I write this, it’s the second (lunar) day of Passover. You don’t need to practice the faith to know the gist, even if your primary source pits Charlton Heston against Yul Brynner (or, for you millennials, Val Kilmer against Ralph Fiennes). It’s also hard to top such an Independence Day story with something […]
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  “Do you remember that in classical times when Cicero had finished speaking, the people said, ‘How well he spoke’—but when Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said, ‘Let us march’?”-Adlai Stevenson, in introducing a candidate for the Presidency who succeeded where he failed, in Los Angeles, 1960. This is one of the quotes that […]
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  Happy February 3. If a marketing consultant sees their shadow, it means there will be six more weeks before that invoice you sent gets paid. So much for net 15. Anyhoo… I was going to write about a bunch of things I’ve been seeing and hearing as I shift gears with what I’m working […]
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  I’ve been writing about jobs a lot lately. The highs and lows of the hunt. Reference materials. Wacky experiments at the intersection of job searches & AI. Job writing isn’t a genre. It’s a vibe. And it’s a vibe that’s shifting for quite a few folks these days. Here’s a roundup, some of which […]
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  It might have been a couple of thousand years since you last visited the Olympus Ad Agency. Let’s take a tour. Hephaestus runs the IT department. He doesn’t spend a lot of time up on Olympus. He likes that he doesn’t have to see the staff as much with everyone all remote. It suits […]
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  Last week, my daughter temporarily lost the use of one of her arms, and Twitter found many of its advertisers temporarily pausing campaigns there. Conceptually, they’re related to a broader theme, one that  I explored in a 2020 column, “In a World without Facebook.”  The theme is how to adapt to constraints. The biggest […]
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