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  I can’t believe I’m saying this, but the topic we weren’t talking about enough this week at Advertising Week was Ye. I’m throwing up in my mouth. But it’s true. As much as I’d rather talk about a thing else — cookie deprecation, creative optimization, Terry Kawaja’s Streamopoly board — I wish more of us (myself […]
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  Allow me to atone as last week’s holiday and some other obligations delayed this missive’s publication. It’s still a piece I wanted to share. Writing this as I wrapped the Day of Atonement holiday, known in Hebrew as Yom Kippur, I expected to use the column as an excuse to revisit the marketing sins […]
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  “A cat and a dog pooping on a book that is pink.” Sure, maybe it wasn’t the best idea to let my eight-year-old sit down with me late at night and burn through my first batch of search credits on Dall-E 2, OpenAI’s AI-powered image generation app. And yet… I combed through my search results.­­ […]
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  I was away last week at a conference where I wasn’t speaking or blogging or Instagramming. Yes, really. It was an unusual treat for me, as it was a rare opportunity where I could focus on professional development. The event was the Global Member Meeting for Forrester’s Analyst Relations Council, a peer networking and edution group […]
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As I publish issue 200, six years after starting this newsletter as the monthly-ish Serially Sporadic and four years after taking it weekly, it’s an apt time for time travel. The year was 2013. I had recently wrapped up a seven-year run with my corporate alma mater 360i when my alma mater Binghamton University reached out […]
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  Doctor in Brooklyn: Why are you depressed, Alvy? …Alvy (age 9): The universe is expanding.Doctor: The universe is expanding?Alvy: Well, the universe is everything, and if it’s expanding, someday it will break apart and that would be the end of everything!Alvy’s Mom: What is that your business? … What has the universe got to do […]
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  What did you do for the 4th of July weekend? I stayed home and wrote book reports. If that sounds like either a fabrication or a miserable way to spend a weekend, you don’t know me very well. I wrote 22 long-hand entries in my book report journal ranging from a couple of sentences […]
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A colleague who I worked with last year shared a brutal post this week about triple-digit layoffs at the old ranch. Coincidentally, I was already working on this post that’s a round-up of resources that may be helpful. I’m hoping you, dear reader, aren’t in such a situation as the one my former colleagues face right now. […]
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  Acting. Parenting. Tweeting. We’re going to talk about all three today because they relate. I was talking to my actor friend, Lindsay, who’s made an appearance in these columns before. I was telling her how excited my eight-year-old daughter was when she found a yoga blanket gathering dust in my entertainment console drawer and asked […]
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