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  It’s another disheartening week in the media. Spotify defends its $100 million investment in Joe Rogan, but libraries and schools across the country are being told or asked to ban books. They’re completely unrelated issues, except for how they’re not. If Spotify were to terminate its contract with Rogan, that would reek of cancel […]
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  Kids, this week’s edition teaches you an important lesson: don’t watch the Marvel Cinematic Universe while you’re taking personality assessments. Or maybe you should. Do you ever find that instead of bringing who you are into a role, a role can shape you? That’s something I’ve been thinking about ever since my friend Eric Sullivan at […]
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  What’s your sign? I’m not hitting on you (well, I might be — wink, wink). Instead, I’m offering you something different… your Marketer Horoscope. There’s a twist though. I didn’t write any of these.  I loaded Conversion.ai, selected “blog post intro paragraph,” entered in parameters (subject =”Your horoscope for Aries marketers”; audience = “marketers”; tone […]
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