
Conferences and Events

  1. Conferences and Events
  2. Food and Drink
  3. Social Media
One of the closing events of Social Media Week took included snack time at a grocery store, as Whole Foods presented Afternoon Snack: A New York New Food Media Panel. On the menu were: Liza Mosquito de Guia, Founder & Chief Storyteller, food. curated. Cathy Erway, Not Eating Out In New York. Nick Fauchald, editor-in-chief, […]
  1. Conferences and Events
  2. Social Media
I originally posted this on 360i's blog During Social Media Week’s panel on Social Graph Optimization that I had the pleasure and honor of moderating, I was able to get in a bunch of the questions that I had for the panel, including Meebo’s Seth Sternberg (@sethjs), Wiredset/Trendrr’s Mark Ghuneim (@MarkGhuneim), Droga 5’s Hashem Bajwa […]
  1. Conferences and Events
I live-blogged this earlier in the day at the Social Media Week blog. Let's meet our panel for today on Networked News Gatherers: Defining the Social Media Role, hosted by Time Inc: Moderator: Melissa Parrish, Director, Community Strategy for Lifestyle Digital, Time Inc Jennifer Preston, Social Media Editor, The New York Times Rachel Sklar, Business/Project Development, […]
  1. Conferences and Events
  2. Technology
Every year at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), there’s an event called Showstoppers where dozens – maybe about a hundred? – technology companies show off their latest wares to the press, and the press drinks so heavily that they wind up giving everything great reviews. Unfortunately for the companies exhibiting, I was too busy gorging […]
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