
Conferences and Events

  1. Conferences and Events
  2. Social Media
  3. Tools and Tips
On Monday night, I had the pleasure of presenting on Twitter tools and best practices at the Brandhackers Meetup in NY with Greg Galant. View the presentation via SlideShare (click through to see the full size), which includes an intro before the tools and best practices after. And if you’re so inclined, you can find […]
  1. Conferences and Events
  2. Social Media
Most people probably associate Tyson Foods with chicken. Tyson wants you to think of hunger relief, and they’re using social media to help them do so. Tyson Foods Director of Corporate Community and Public Relations Ed Nicholson discussed how it works in his presentation “Tyson: Study: Tyson: Tweeting & Feeding With Social Media” at BDI’s […]
  1. Blogging
  2. Conferences and Events
  3. Social Media
This post was originally published on 360i’s Digital Connections blog. At the Business Development Institute’s NYC event today Social Communications: The Case Studies, The Coca-Cola Company’s Director of Heritage Communications Philip Mooney shared a presentation on Coca-Cola Conversations – Connecting an Iconic Brand to its Fans. He focused on his experience in the first year […]
  1. Advertising
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  3. Conferences and Events
  4. Social Media
Here's today&39;s latest Social Media Insider from MediaPost. You can see more discussion of these ads in the previous post. The self-service ad model may not be the secret to Facebook&39;s future fortunes, but it presents marketers with some largely untapped opportunities for reaching the most precisely targeted audiences online. If you talk to Facebook&39;s […]
  1. Advertising
  2. Conferences and Events
During Forrester’s Marketing Forum 2009 (read the full roundup), I spent a networking break demonstrating Facebook’s Page analytics and advertising. What better way to demonstrate it than create an ad on the fly? >>See below for screen shots of the ads, the targeting, and the campaign overview.<< As I was blogging the event, I created […]
  1. Conferences and Events
Sarah Dickinson, Strategy Director, Blast Radius Alexandra Wheeler, Director, Digital Strategy, Starbucks From Ideals to Ideas Navigating New Channels: Building Your Brand for the Social Age Context: Starbucks (RED): For every beverage purchased, $0.05 went to global fund Things used to be simpler (yes, hearing that a lot here). “If Twitter carries on at the […]
  1. Conferences and Events
Professor David J. Reibstein, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania &#160; Ubiquitous Marketing in a Fragmented Age The environment is changing around us… war, the economy, global warming, globalization… lots of turmoil. Are we considering the implications of the global financial crisis and recession? Moving toward a new marketing paradigm: Reverse Marketing. It’s not us telling […]
  1. Conferences and Events
Craig Dewar is passionate, but he didn’t come off as the angry Kiwi that he looks like here Presenter: Craig Dewar, who heads up community marketing for Microsoft Business Solutions One to one engagement is key. Microsoft community examples: Xbox Live; Entered gaming market in 2000. Sony had shipped 20 million PlayStations. Xbox Live was […]
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