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  “Do you remember that in classical times when Cicero had finished speaking, the people said, ‘How well he spoke’—but when Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said, ‘Let us march’?”-Adlai Stevenson, in introducing a candidate for the Presidency who succeeded where he failed, in Los Angeles, 1960. This is one of the quotes that […]
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As we get to the final stretch this year, there’s a lot on my mind and a ton to see through, but I will publish when I can and not worry about the set day and time. Thanks for coming along for the ride. Also, if you’re going through stuff, and there’s a lot of stuff out there, […]
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  As I first wrote this, I was returning from a dinner event celebrating the anniversary of a friend’s PR firm. Then, I went on Twitter and saw news story after news story about changes that will affect people’s lives. Those changes are unfolding as I write this now. Twitter sometimes seems like it’s all about […]
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  Who expected that when NFT.NYC was scheduled the same week as the Cannes Lions this June, it’s the ad execs who will be having way more fun? Not that it won’t be a good crowd for NFT Week. But it’s easier to get excited about crypto when all your NFTs keep doubling in value. Over in […]
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  I thought I was done joining any Zoom calls after normal business hours. But I made an exception for one, namely because it featured a marketer who I wanted to learn more about: my namesake. Yes, this David Berkowitz (not that David Berkowitz) was on a Zoom call that featured David Berkowitz (not that David […]
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  “Facebook is dying.” That was the subject line of Protocol’s recent Source Code newsletter that led with the headline, “It’s the beginning of the end of Facebook.” My father died last year, and if he looked as good as Facebook does right now, I don’t think any doctors would have been calling my family telling us […]
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  What are you thankful for? I’ve come to realize that so much of what I’m most grateful for has a thread connecting it: I’m most grateful for second chances. It’s so overwhelming when thinking about it, especially while preparing for another Thanksgiving week. There’s a very simple formula for gratitude: Second chances + appreciation […]
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