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I write this as I’m heading to Boston to give my first real-world talk in nearly three years, and of course, it’s about the metaverse. The good news is that when my friend running the Magnet Global agency community asked me to give this talk, in part because of musings shared in this very newsletter, I was […]
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  Ever since attending NBCUniversal’s ONE22 developer conference this week where they made their case for how they’re ushering in the future of TV, entertainment, and advertising, I’ve wondered what it meant for all kinds of media traditional and emerging. At the same time, I’m prepping a talk – my first solo address in-person since 2019 – […]
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  Pre-SXSW, I’ve got a bunch of updates for y’all that I’m itching to share. As a reminder, Serial Marketers is co-hosting our first-ever SXSW Marketer Mixer thanks to the generous support of Mediaocean and Prohaska Consulting. It’s Saturday, March 12, and I’d love to meet anyone who will be out in Austin. RSVP at https://sxsw-marketers.eventbrite.com/ (password: […]
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  “Facebook is dying.” That was the subject line of Protocol’s recent Source Code newsletter that led with the headline, “It’s the beginning of the end of Facebook.” My father died last year, and if he looked as good as Facebook does right now, I don’t think any doctors would have been calling my family telling us […]
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  The First Rule of Cryptocurrency for marketers is simple: ignore the prices. That’s the red herring. It doesn’t matter if the market cap of Bitcoin one day is equal to all the world’s wealth ever assembled or Eritrea’s gross national product during a slow year. It’s akin to marketers judging the internet’s value in […]
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  What is the next generation of marketing leaders curious about? Instead of asking them, they asked me. But I have some questions for them in return. Last week, I joined my alma mater Binghamton University for their Networking Night where students pull up a virtual seat at the virtual tables of real, live alumni […]
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  I was talking to a clown the other day, and there’s one thing you need to do when talking to a clown: Take good notes. Within five seconds of her talking about the art of clown — and it is an art form — my gears were turning. The clown, Lindsay, asked me, “You […]
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  I was at Upstream’s NFT Week mixer last night, which I sponsored through the $CMO coin brand, and I spent most of the event talking about crypto with a pastor from Memphis who was in town for the week. This has the makings of a great column, but it turns out there was a little less conversation […]
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