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New Post in Mashable: Facebook Should Offer Sponsored Stories on an Opt-in Basis [Op-Ed]

When users lose control, they will speak up, as I had to back in December 2007 when Facebook used my endorsement in ads without my consent.

via mashable.com

This isn&;t the first time Facebook&39;s been so callous. This post from 2007 explains far more: http://www.marketersstudio.com/2007/12/facebook-social.html

There&39;s far more in the Mashable piece, focusing on Facebook&39;s startling lack of empathy.

Also read 360i&39;s official POV on its Digital Connections Blog.&;

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Comments to: New Post in Mashable: Facebook Should Offer Sponsored Stories on an Opt-in Basis [Op-Ed]
  • Avatar
    January 27, 2011

    Thanks for passing along this article.. Great stuff!

  • Avatar
    February 1, 2011

    Sherman, thanks so much for your feedback. It'll be interesting to see where this goes. David

  • Avatar
    January 31, 2011

    I think we have the right to speak up if we are abuse in any way. You are in the right position by claiming your point that they have no right your endorsement without your consent. It is enough that you let hem know. But if they do it again then that’s a different story.


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