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OMMA Social Panel: Socially Awkward: Using Social Media in Difficult Client Categories

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Socially Awkward: Using Social Media in Difficult Client Categories

Dorothy Wetzel, Partner, Chief Marketing Extrovert, Extrovertic
Seth Ginsberg, President, TGI Healthworks

Catharine P. Taylor, Columnist, MediaPost

Here&;s the last panel of the day from the whirlwind of OMMA Social. Amazing to think it&39;s nearly 5pm already – today flew by.

2 major claims: off-label claims, adverse events. Also lack of FDA guidelines for social media.

Some examples:
– Unbranded &39;talk&39; – GSK restless legs
– &39;Chaperoned&39; talking: J&J Health Channel
– Forming new ventures – Children with Diabetes, Sermo

– Philanthropy – supporting existing communities:
CreakyJoints.org came up organically based on Seth&39;s personal experience – now membership of 30,000 people. A month later they got a call from a pharma company. The marketer wanted to help people, and the marketer could help more if people knew more, and the marketer didn&39;t have the clout to do it. Saw model could scale, created Global Healthy Living Foundation.

The rest of the session basically involved Seth seeing how many times he could say the word "bowel" at a social media conference, with nuggets like, "You don&39;t really want to wind up with a really angry community of irritable bowel disease sufferers."

Selected tweets during this session:

typennock: @perryhewitt Yes, I&39;ve def. heard this from the Pfizer folks – but Pfizer employees can&39;t even access FB. Not very SM friendly #ommasocial

julieannalittle: Marketing rules to live by (for all industries): be transparent, add value and be entertaining. #ommasocial. I&39;m out!

ysnjen: #OMMASocial: the guy from CreakyJoints.com has a great story! Student who started site for people with arthritis. Very clever.

perryhewitt: @typennock heard ray kerins of pfizer speak 2 weeks ago in NY and felt he was looking to push the regs where he could #ommasocial

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