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How to manage when it all falls apart Brought to you by: BlueDot’s AI-powered Google Meet assistant—————————————————- It’s a rare Monday column. I fell behind on getting this right for Friday, and I’ll just publish this one before the end of the year. Working for yourself or running your own business? Losing a client can be […]
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  How could we make Advertising Week more interactive and inclusive? Brought to you by: Compete Week—————————————————- The Unconference Banner, created with DALL-E 3 Happy Advertising Week, everyone. And Happy Tech Week. And Happy Ad Tech Week.The first two did take place in New York City this week. The third is made up. Ad Tech Week […]
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  Brought to you by: this survey!—————————————————- Three llamas walk into a bar. The bartender looks at them and says, “You guys must be here for the comedy night, huh?” The first llama says, “No, we’re here for the karaoke.” The second llama says, “No, we’re here for the trivia.” The third llama shakes his head and […]
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  Brought to you by: Five Tier—– “In the olden days, the relentless pounding of advertising turned the craft of marketing into something consumers learned, at best, to tolerate. Social media may well be the pain reliever we have all needed — the medicine that makes advertising relevant and welcome in our lives.”-Randall Rothenberg, then President and […]
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