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What Do I Read and How Do I Read It? Hubspot Reveals All

Thanks for reading this blog. I know what you read. This. You have great taste. Thanks. Again.

But what do I, the blogger, read? That&;s something you&39;ve probably always wanted to know but were too shy to ask.

Fortunately, Laura Fitton (@pistachio), is not all that shy. She even invited me to speak at Hubspot&39;s Inbound conference in Boston this September. And along the way, she asked me about my reading habits.

The tell-all is now on the Hubspot blog. You&39;ll learn all about a guy named Dave Trott and my current infatuation with real philosophers, as opposed to marketing philosphers.

There&39;s also a YouTube video, included below, whose featured image makes me look like I have some severe gastrointestinal ailment. And as the son of a gastroeneterologist, I know what said ailments look like.


So, what do you think of the Q&A? And more importantly, what are you reading these days? Comment here or tweet me, or Snapchat or whatever the cool kids are doing now. Maybe some have reverted to texting.


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