Today, my Outlook reminders presented me with a very difficult challenge: how can I wish someone happy birthday if they’re not on Facebook?
What if they’re so opposed to Facebook’s advertising programs that they deleted their Facebook account, so I can’t write on their wall, buy them a virtual gift, or send them a Facebook email?
I guess I just have to blog it, especially if it’s CK who put the social in Blogger Social.
Happy birthday, CK!
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Show comments Hide commentsIf there is no Facebook account, does a birthday even occur? Wait, were there birthdays before Facebook?
Hmmm…seems it would take an entire year (and another bday) to provide answers to these deep and complicated questions.
Regardless, one thing is sure: you gave me the BEST present by attending Social (um, not that I would stop harassing you unless you were a part!) I can’t believe that in 19 days we’ll have nearly 90 of us together. Really quite moving.
Thank you for giving me the inspiration to blog in the first place. So, like, you put the “blog” in CK’s Blog 😉
Big hug to you and Cara.