360i’s hiring in NY – namely, my team that’s pioneering all these emerging media and social media initiatives for our major clients, especially in media/entertainment (we work with a ton of the major TV networks, for starters) and retail.
There are several positions open at different skill levels, ranging from digital word of mouth (PR or journalism background is very relevant), interactive and Flash designers, and research analysts. If you’re talented or know someone who is, have them write me with their resumes (or, heck, their LinkedIn profiles) at dberkowitz (at) 360i (dot) com. Positions are generally FT in-house in NY, though a few freelance opportunities are available too.
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Show comments Hide commentsI like your headline very much. Or, it could be like “Work with me here, people!”
I want to work with you…how do we start doing that? I know, I know, I’m all against the being owned by a company (a freebird am I). But I tend to work harder/longer than most caged birds (not sure why that is…I’ll work on that).