
Month: June 2023

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  Brought to you by: this survey!—————————————————- Three llamas walk into a bar. The bartender looks at them and says, “You guys must be here for the comedy night, huh?” The first llama says, “No, we’re here for the karaoke.” The second llama says, “No, we’re here for the trivia.” The third llama shakes his head and […]
  1. Campaigns
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Brought to you by: AI Copilot by PixieBrix —————————————————- What is the role of marketers and agencies in the future of AI? That’s a meaty topic, and we couldn’t address that in full when tech leader and serial founder Jeremiah Owyang visited Serial Marketers for our virtual event this week. But we got close. You can […]
  1. Campaigns
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  3. Conferences and Events
  4. Marketing
  5. Professional
  6. Technology
  7. Tools and Tips
  8. Trends
  Brought to you by: Five Tier—————————————————- Since publicly announcing FOAF, the fraction-of-a-fractional CXO network, in the Vatican Review this March, I’ve been building something entirely new, and it has required a steady series of leaps outside of my comfort zone — while periodically returning to some comfort zones I wasn’t anticipating. For the founders, entrepreneurs, and others among […]
  1. Innovation
  2. Marketing
  3. Professional
  4. Research
  5. Search Engine Marketing
  6. Technology
  Brought to you by: Five Tier—– Having a third-grader and two cats at home gives me frequent opportunities to think about different types of intelligence, and I’ve been sketching out some thoughts on how this applies to marketing. I’ll be curious to get your perspective too. The theory of multiple intelligences was coined by Howard […]
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