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Green Communications 2008: The Case Studies Conference (Partner Plug)

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Green Communications 2008: The Case
Studies Conference

For more information and to register visit www.bdionline.com/greencommunications2008.
Use promo code MSCOM
when registering for a discounted rate of $145.

Date: Tuesday, July 15, 2008
1:30 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.
The Graduate Center/CUNY: 365
  Fifth Avenue; New York, NY 10016
Registration Fee:

Green initiatives are more than just a passing trend; they are a
part of daily life. Individuals, communities, and companies have embraced this
movement and now incorporate it into their lives, products, and business
strategies. This half day conference will reveal case studies from companies
that have successfully created and implemented green communications campaigns.
They will specifically address the questions, issues, and opportunities facing
the corporate communicator and marketer.

Andrew Fox, Senior
Manager, Global Communications, AMD
Matthew Greene,
Director of Marketing Communications, Eaton
Claudia Malley ,
Vice President, National Geographic
Thomas Mattia,
Senior Vice President, Worldwide Public Affairs and Communications, The
Coca-Cola Company
Lisa Swann, VP of
Communications and Marketing, Earth Day Network
Lisa Witter, Board
Member, ClimateCounts.org and COO, FENTON Communications

Topics covered:
– What are specific examples that demonstrate how companies communicate their
green initiatives?
– What are the lessons learned from these campaigns?
– How are green campaigns different and/or similar to standard programs?
– How does my company communicate "going green" authentically without
being perceived as "jumping on the bandwagon"?
– What resources are available to help me and my company with, plan and execute
green campaigns?
– What can my company do differently in future green endeavors to separate the
strategies previously implemented in order to grow with the movement?

PR Newswire, LinkedIn, Climate Counts, Earth Day Network, Harris Interactive,
CSRwire, GreenBiz.com, GuestPass InternationalHispanic Trending, LatinVision, Manhattan Chamber of
, MarketersStudio.com,
New York Enterprise Report,
NY:MIEG, New York University, PR News, SEMPO Institute, SmallBizTechnology.com,
Taproot Foundation,
TheOnSwitch, Think Green Media,

For more information and to register visit www.bdionline.com/greencommunications2008.
Use promo code MSCOM when
registering for a discounted rate of $145.

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