  1. Media

Living Room Optimization Gets A New Push

Add this one to your buzzword watch list: Living Room Optimization (LRO): establishing the most visible brand presence on TVs that are connected to the Internet.
The latest LRO entrant: Google. Consider this post on Silicon Alley Insider:

Google… has quietly released a new software app called Google Media Server.
… Right now, it sits on your Windows
computer and lets you stream stuff like Picasa photos and YouTube video
to your TV — assuming you have a Sony (SNE) PlayStation 3, a HP (HPQ)
television, or a few other gadgets that understand a technology called
UPnP, or Universal Plug-and-Play.

The battle for the living room continues, as Microsoft, Apple, Yahoo, and Google, among others, all have their barbs in it. Marketers are starting to get there too, with interactive TV trials and in-game advertising on console games. Maybe we need some new acronym for Living Room Marketing, like LiRoMa. Kind of sounds nice, like a drug, or a sedan.

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