  1. Search Engine Marketing

Ad Age's Search Marketing Fact Pack is Here

For all the numbers and reference materials you could possibly digest on your average New York to Chicago flight, check out Ad Age’s annual Search Marketing Fact Pack, which just arrived. You’ll find 50 pages of stats and articles on everything from the top search engines and keywords to innovative search marketing examples.

If you’re so inclined, you can also read a two-page article I contributed to on how social media and emerging media are impacting search trends on p.40-41. I welcome your thoughts on it, so comment away if you have a moment, even if it takes some time to get to reading all of it.

I’ve really been impressed with Ad Age’s coverage of interactive media, and this is one more prime example. In general, Ad Age is one of my few must-reads from the established press (as opposed to blogs), along with MediaPost and fairly few other such sources. It also strikes a great balance of just the right amount of content – it’s enough to inform you without delivering so much that it overwhelms you. That’s becoming an increasingly important criteria of media for me – how well does it respect my time when I have a decreasing amount to spare?

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