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Welcome to the Future Home of Serial Marketer

In November 2005, ten and a half years ago, I launched the MarketersStudio.com blog.
The name was inspired by Inside the Actors Studio. The original idea was to build on the interviews I published at eMarketer from 2001-2004. I probably should have done a lot more of that.
Now, some change is coming. I will still keep up writing and blogging, but as I’ve started to do some consulting during this break from my agency tenure, I needed a new title. And with the new title, I needed a new brand.
That brand is Serial Marketer. Since every good brand needs a good origin story to go with it, its birthday is today, May 16. Serial Marketer shares the same birthday as William Seward, Liberace, Henry Fonda, Tori Spelling, and Meg DeAngelis (the last one is a YouTube star; I have to throw a bone to Gen Z’ers who might not be so up to speed on Civil War cabinet members or 90210 cast members).
As I mulled over what it means to have a brand I can own, I realized that the blog should be part and parcel of it. So, in the weeks (months?) ahead, you will see lots of cosmetic changes. I am hoping there aren’t any technical changes that surface on your end, but I will keep you posted here. In the meantime, www.serialmarketer.net redirects to this blog’s homepage. I’m still working on securing the .com (pointers are welcome for this parked domain).
I will be out and about during Internet Week New York this week, including at M1 Summit, OMMA Marketing Tech, and Flashtalking’s Art & Science Sessions. The latter two events mark the first time I am formally using the Serial Marketer name (Flashtalking gets the distinction by a few hours). Let me know if you’ll be there, as it’ll be fun to catch up. [One update: The Beancast podcast by Bob Knorpp, whose latest episode debuted as I wrote this, is actually the first time I’m officially using the name. Thanks, Bob.]
There’s someone I need to thank for the name. Aaron Strout, president of WCG, was kind enough to write about me in the series for HubSpot’s Inbound 2015 where speakers introduced fellow speakers. His headline was, “David Berkowitz: Serial Marketer (Not Killer).” It stuck with me. I used it in my Twitter bio for awhile. I wasn’t going to use it for anything more than that, but as I pondered a lot of other names, this one resonated. It felt ownable. It felt, in short, like a brand.
As for why it’s so ownable, well, it may have hit you over the head as soon as you saw it. It may have come to you a minute later. Or maybe you won’t get it without Googling it (which is refreshing, as far as I’m concerned). My online dating handle when I met my wife was “GoogleThis.” So Google this, and all shall be revealed.
Thanks for joining me on this journey.
David Berkowitz
Serial Marketer

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