
Search results for: "Issue 46"

  1. Columns
  2. Marketing
  3. Social Media
This is today's Social Media Insider column, a complete version several hundred words longer than the abridged edition, which you can find at MediaPost.  The view from the OMMA Social stage A Frank Conversation about Social Media Measurement Everything you need to know about social media measurement was covered in 45 minutes at MediaPost’s OMMA […]
  1. Conferences and Events
  2. Media
Today I sat in on the Future of Media summit from MediaPost held during Advertising Week. Mark Cuban, Chairman & Co-Founder, HDNet / Dallas Mavericks owner Vivian Schiller, President & CEO, NPR Bob Garfield, Columnist, Advertising Age Martha Stewart, Founder, Martha Stewart Living Omnimedia Reid Hoffman, Executive Chairman and Co-Founder,LinkedIn Susan Whiting, Vice Chair, Nielsen […]
  1. Advertising
  2. Conferences and Events
During Forrester’s Marketing Forum 2009 (read the full roundup), I spent a networking break demonstrating Facebook’s Page analytics and advertising. What better way to demonstrate it than create an ad on the fly? >>See below for screen shots of the ads, the targeting, and the campaign overview.<< As I was blogging the event, I created […]
  1. Uncategorized
Presenter: Forrester analyst David Card – @davidcard Number of people not participating in social media is going down dramatically. Spectators are going up by the biggest margin. Theme: successful social media initiatives help marketers make more with less US marketers increase social budgets in downturn. Social media leads interactive budget increases. Average budget for social […]
  1. Columns
  2. Search Engine Marketing
Still Rebecca Lieb This week&#39;s Search Insider from MediaPost: Last week, author Rebecca Lieb managed to distill her new book "The Truth about Search Engine Optimization," from 51 chapters into a single truth. How can she top that? In the continuation of the interview, she first addresses what truth means in this context. Then she […]
  1. Conferences and Events
  2. Social Media
Cover of Listen Seen But Not Heard; When Is It Appropriate for Brands to Simply Listen? Moderator: Cory Treffiletti, President/ Managing Director, Catalyst:SF Shane Ginsberg, Executive Director, Global Business Development, Organic Gary Goldhammer, Senior Vice President & Director, Client Services West, Edelman Digital Martin Green, COO, meebo Matt Sanchez, CEO, VideoEgg Rich Ullman, SVP of […]
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