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   I don’t need glasses normally, and I don’t need AI glasses either Writing this initially with pen and paper on a bus ride accompanying more than 100 4th graders on an overnight school camping trip, it’s a fitting time to reflect on why I’ve turned three AI-powered hardware devices in the past month or so. […]
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  Brought to you by: AIMG’s 5/9 event with Neuralift —AI for Segmentation: Unparalleled Precision with Transformative Time to Value—————————————————- What do Amtrak and the Humane AI pin have in common? A wanton disregard of the customer experience. One of them, at least, has enough going for it to survive despite their oversights. But with both, I […]
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How to manage when it all falls apart Brought to you by: BlueDot’s AI-powered Google Meet assistant—————————————————- It’s a rare Monday column. I fell behind on getting this right for Friday, and I’ll just publish this one before the end of the year. Working for yourself or running your own business? Losing a client can be […]
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  It isn’t Twitter anymore Brought to you by: Ramp (“spending made smarter”)—————————————————- The Hamas terrorist attacks against Israel upended the nation, region, and world in all kinds of devastating ways. While I stand with the victims of terrorist attacks, I have a hard enough time making sense of topics like marketing and AI, so the Middle […]
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  How polite are you to your AI? Brought to you by: Ramp (“spending made smarter”)—————————————————- Pardon me.I’m working on my manners with you. And I should apologize, as between my sermon the week before and this edition, I’ve spent the past week in St. Louis awaiting the opening of “Dr. Ride’s American Beach House” at the […]
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  Happy February 3. If a marketing consultant sees their shadow, it means there will be six more weeks before that invoice you sent gets paid. So much for net 15. Anyhoo… I was going to write about a bunch of things I’ve been seeing and hearing as I shift gears with what I’m working […]
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While I had known Scott Monty beforehand (the photo above is from Blog World Expo 2008), my first clear memories of interacting with him stem from CES 2009. He was running social for Ford then, and he somehow got both the CEO and President of Ford to do video interviews with me at some blogger […]
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  I’ve been writing about jobs a lot lately. The highs and lows of the hunt. Reference materials. Wacky experiments at the intersection of job searches & AI. Job writing isn’t a genre. It’s a vibe. And it’s a vibe that’s shifting for quite a few folks these days. Here’s a roundup, some of which […]
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Happiest of New Years to you! 2023 already has some fireworks. If you’ve seen my latest post on LinkedIn, you might have seen some changes brewing, so I’ll take this week to share some personal updates. The big news is that I’m transitioning out of my role at Mediaocean, where I’d been spearheading corporate marketing and […]
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